exclusive | Rupert Marnie – Cleon | FunFunFun

“Cleon,” the B2 track from Rupert Marnie‘s EP “Shifted Dimensions” on the FunFunFun label, exemplifies a captivating fusion of minimalistic grooves and acid-electro flair. This track, alongside three others on the EP, showcases Marnie’s distinct approach to club music, weaving playful and exotic elements with a sharp, innovative edge.

From the onset, “Cleon” draws listeners into a minimalist soundscape, punctuated by a precise Acid-Electro line and a subtle, yet driving, minimalistic beat. The track’s structure is deceptively simple, yet it’s the intricate layering and masterful sound design that truly stand out. Marnie employs a combination of deeper, dubby chords and an accentuated Acid-Electro note, creating a sound that is both immersive and dynamic.

Rupert Marnie’s expertise in crafting one-off sonic experiences shines through in “Cleon.” It’s a testament to his skill in merging high-octane stunts with unexpected turns, presenting a fresh definition of club material that is both innovative and deeply rooted in the genre’s core elements. “Cleon” rounds off the “Shifted Dimensions” EP with a minimalistic yet powerful statement, affirming Marnie’s position as a stalwart of Hamburg’s electronic music scene and a key player on the FunFunFun label.

Words by Holger Breuer

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