interview & exclusive | Emi Ömar

In the vastness of electronic music scene few artists embody innovation and passion quite like Emi Ömar, a marketing professional by day and a sonic trailblazer by night. Emi Ömar is one such artist, a multifaceted talent who balances a career in marketing by day with a deep passion for music by night. Emi’s journey into the realm of electronic music is as dynamic as his sound, marked by his work with esteemed labels such as Momo’s Basement, Increase The Groove, Kiku, and Conspiracy.

As an integral part of the Recordeep family, Emi Ömar co-manages the sub-label Yuko, where he meticulously curates and oversees releases that resonate with the label’s evolving ethos. Known for his eclectic taste and hands-on approach to music production, Emi has been making waves in the electronic music scene with his dynamic live performances and heartfelt tracks.

In this exclusive interview, Emi Ömar opens up about his early beginnings in music, the pivotal moments that shaped his journey into electronic music, and his significant contributions to Recordeep and Yuko. He shares insights into his creative process, his preferences for vinyl over digital releases, and the inspiration behind his latest EP on Unsilenced Music. Emi also discusses his choice to perform live rather than DJ, the gear that fuels his creativity, and his vision for future projects. Join us as we delve into the mind of Emi Ömar and explore the passion and dedication that drive his musical endeavors.

Torture the Artist: Hello, hello Emi! Tell us something about your day.

Emi Ömar: Hello Holger, thank you for your time! I know you’re working hard on this project, and I’m very honored to be here! What’s my day like? I work in marketing for a French start-up during the day and make music late at night! I think the balance is pretty cool and it allows me to enjoy the moments more when I’m making music.

Torture the Artist: Where and when did your passion for music start, and when did you become involved with electronic music?

Emi Ömar: I started music at the age of 6 and have been playing the saxophone ever since, along with self-taught piano and guitar. So, I became interested in music quite early on. I think it was around the age of 16 that I managed to get a crack of Ableton 8 on my Mac 2012, haha! After that, I didn’t stop making music and exploring what was possible.

Torture the Artist: What was the track or tracks that made you decide to produce electronic music yourself or, let’s say, made you become an active part of the scene?

Emi Ömar: It was “PUNX – The Rock“, a really big bomb! Some mates were at Nostromo when Francesco del Garda played it, and they told me the atmosphere was really crazy! I really wish I’d been there, haha! Ever since I listened to that track, I’ve loved fat bass tracks more and more!

Torture the Artist: You’re part of Recordeep, a webzine, home of vinyl labels, and foremost a “family.“ How did this come about, and what’s your task at Recordeep?

Emi Ömar: I’ve been with Recordeep for three years now. Quentin and I both come from a small village called Pornic on the west coast of France, near Nantes. It was Quentin who introduced me to electronic music in Nantes, along with Jef K. It was a fun time. <smiles> But then I moved to Paris and set up the Recordeep sub-label called Yuko Record, which Quentin and I manage together.

To put it simply, within Recordeep, I co-manage Yuko Record and we also plan events. However, we’ve paused for a while because Quentin is in Barcelona and I’m in Paris, but we’ll be working on events soon.

Torture the Artist: The aforementioned vinyl labels include Yuko, a label you’ve said to be a thriving force behind as you’ve already released two EPs on it. However, the last release dates almost two years back. When will there be a third release of yours on it?

Emi Ömar: Regarding Yuko, the next one is a VA with my buddies Luje, Chud, and Vivant. For this third vinyl, I really wanted to showcase my mates’ music and build something from the heart! So I’m pretty proud of this one, to be honest. It won’t have the same vibe as the others because, of course, I’m evolving with the times, and the label is evolving too!

Torture the Artist: Aside from releases on Yuko, you’ve put music out on Momo’s Basement, Increase The Groove, Kiku, and Conspiracy with some of the releases being vinyl only and some digital. Do you prefer one medium over the other, or do you just want your music out there?

Emi Ömar: I prefer vinyl so much!

Torture the Artist: Your latest EP, “JOJO day/night EP“, is out on Dutch imprint and collective Unsilenced Music. How did this come about?

Emi Ömar: Well, the guys asked me if I’d be up for sending them a playlist, and they told me they liked it. I’m pretty happy with the result! The guys did a great job!

I find that making music with the mouse takes away so much fun and emotions.

Torture the Artist: Hand on heart, you came up with four tracks with an irresistible groove and funkiness. Where does this grooviness come from, and do you play any instruments yourself to make your basslines as funky as they are?

Emi Ömar: A good number of my basses are played by hand! I find that making music with the mouse takes away so much fun and emotions. For my part, I don’t think I would have any groove if I had to play my bass with a mouse or something else. But there are guys who are very good at it, so you just have to find your instrument. <smiles> The goal is to really enjoy it.

Torture the Artist: The track and sound that accompanies this interview is “Night Sweats.“ What do you enjoy about those nights at the club? And what’s the club of your choice that best covers this feeling?

Emi Ömar: I quite like clubs, but I still prefer to party in a free place. I find that the Cinema Barge really represents this fairly free party place, and it’s really cool. A free place where music is expressed as it should be.

I only do live because I really want to concentrate on creating a unique live performance.

Torture the Artist: You are one of the few artists who does not DJ but plays live only. How come? And have you ever considered playing DJ gigs, and if so, what’s holding you back from doing so?

Emi Ömar: I talked quite a bit with friends about this subject. I only do live because I really want to concentrate on creating a unique live performance. I want to create live shows that evolve all the time, and that takes time (which I don’t spend digging). Also, I only do live because I know that I don’t have the DJ level. If I want to bring something to the stage, it’s through live that I could do it.

Torture the Artist: When in the studio, do you actually start with the synth line or the bassline of your tracks? Secondly, groovy tracks mostly develop from jamming or jam sessions. How is that in your case?

Emi Ömar: I always start by putting a kick and a snare, then I start with the bassline and let my imagination speak. <smiles> To be honest, I don’t do too much free jamming anymore. Now, when I’m in the studio, my goal is to create songs for live performances so that they evolve all the time.

Torture the Artist: What’s your preferred studio gear at the moment, and what’s some equipment you’d love to add to your studio?

Emi Ömar: The equipment I use: JD-XI, Talkbox, Arturia VST, and my secret sauce, haha. I would love to have a Moog and a DX 7, but we’ll have to wait a bit, haha.

Torture the Artist: What do you do when you are creatively stuck? How do you overcome it?

Emi Ömar: Well, in reality, I either drink beers or move around. I think we can’t go against nature.

Torture the Artist: Before this interview, you told me that you have hundreds of unreleased or unfinished tracks on your hard disk. What happens to these tracks or ideas? Do you just let them be and work on new material?

Emi Ömar: Yes, exactly. Either I play them live or I offer them in my playlist for the labels.

Torture the Artist: Speaking of new music, what do you have in the making, and what do you have scheduled already?

Emi Ömar: I have some vinyl releases coming soon, but I can’t talk too much about them. Also, I’m going to have a new alias for my G-funk side so that the two projects don’t cannibalize each other.

Torture the Artist: What’s a label you would love to release your music on, and why?

Emi Ömar: I would really like to release on Fraise Records or Limousine Dream! I really like these labels; they are so cool and work really well.

Torture the Artist: Lastly, what’s a musical extravaganza you’d pay for if you were super wealthy?

Emi Ömar: For a Noise Festival machine, haha! No, but in real life, doing a live performance underwater in a bubble would be really cool!

Words by Holger Breuer

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