review | Loveable Rogues – Integer | Evasive

“Integer” by Lovable Rogues marks the dynamic return of Lee Humphreys and Rob Pearson to Evasive Records with their second collaborative EP. Following the success of their initial release, which laid the foundation for Evasive Records, this EP sees the duo pushing the boundaries of their sound. Recorded in the secluded Tofu Studios in the German countryside, “Integer” comprises three tracks that exemplify the underground tech-house vibe that captivated DJ elites in 2000 and continues to resonate with tech-house aficionados in 2024.

“Time Zones” kicks off the EP with a robust display of early 2000s tech-house energy. The track is characterized by its swirling ear candy synths and trippy, almost acidic twangs that create a mesmerizing soundscape. The head-nodding bassline is the backbone, driving the track forward while the filtered and sample-triggered vocal phrase “Eternal Energy Music” adds a touch of mystique. This track, with its forward-thinking production, has become a classic, beloved by those who experienced it during its original release and highly sought after by today’s Tech-House connoisseurs. It’s a testament to the duo’s ability to craft timeless dance floor anthems.

The title track “Integer” showcases Lee Humphreys’ prowess as a solo producer. With driving filtered percussion and an infectious bassline, this track is a masterclass in Tech-House production. The “Body Grooving” vocal cuts interspersed throughout add an irresistible hook, while eerie reverse synths and sounds create an atmospheric depth. Humphreys’ meticulous attention to detail shines through, making this track a standout on the EP. It’s no wonder Rob Pearson insisted on including it, recognizing its potential to captivate listeners and dominate dance floors.

“Thursday” sees the reunion of Humphreys and Pearson for a track that oozes Tech-Funk flair. This track diverges from the typical Tech-House sound, incorporating funk elements that make it a refreshing and innovative addition to the EP. Pearson’s lead keyboard solo is a highlight, infusing the track with a playful yet sophisticated vibe. The funky undertones and infectious rhythm ensure that “Thursday” remains as fresh and exciting today as it was over two decades ago. It’s a testament to the duo’s creativity and willingness to experiment, making it a unique entry in the Evasive Records catalog.

The “Integer EP” by Lovable Rogues is a remarkable collection that encapsulates the essence of early 2000s Tech-House while maintaining its relevance in today’s music scene. Each track offers a distinct experience, from the energetic and hypnotic “Time Zones” to the meticulously crafted “Integer,” and the funk-infused “Thursday.” Lee Humphreys and Rob Pearson’s collaborative synergy is evident throughout, showcasing their ability to push the boundaries of their sound and create tracks that stand the test of time. This EP not only celebrates their past achievements but also solidifies their legacy in the tech-house genre, appealing to both nostalgic fans and new listeners alike.

Words by Pasha Pliskin

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